Friday, September 23, 2011

Free Download CIO Computer magazine

Free Download Computer magazine
you can get a computer magazine "CIO" from the issue of 15 September 2011 for free here.
magazine in PDF with the following contents.
- how guess fits data to teh right device
- winning over business leaders
- weighing the migration benefits
- transformating IT at Curnberland-gulf
and yet others.
you are interested to get it?

easy just click here "Free CIO magazine"

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Free Download CGW Computer magazine

Free Download Computer magazine
you can get a computer magazine "CGW" from the issue of September 2011 edition for free here.
magazine in PDF with the following contents.
- how leading-edge graphics techniques
- including the 3D modeling
- animation and visualization are used in such applications as CAD/CAM/CAE
- architecture
- scientific visualization
- special effects
and yet others.
 you are interested to get it?
easy just click here "Free CGW magazine"